Make New Friends, Find Used Road Bikes!

February 19, 2009

Another way of finding used road bikes that I never thought of, because it is so obvious, is to get out to some races, rides, or communities and meet some other bike riders.  Not only is there a good chance they will have a bike you could use/buy/get parts from but they can also assist you in your search much better than anyone else.  Much like how I try help here but on a more local and personal level.  Most people who get addicted to bicycling end up with multiple bikes, many times of the same type (road bike for example).  So it’s a win-win for everyone.  You and others make new friends and find more people to ride with, you get a bike or advice or parts or whatever they can offer, and the other person gets to sell their bike or parts or help friends do the same.  There are lots of ways to find out who and where cyclists are and they meet.


The first place, obviously, is the net.  There are many forums for all types of cycling.  I’ve listed the top few below, but feel free to do your own search.  Many of them are have regional sections but just getting on and posting you’ll start to see active users in your area.  Send them a message and ask if you can meet or if they know anyone with a bike or parts.  Also, do a search for local cycling events, it’s not uncommon for county parks and other recreation facilities to put together rides/races/events.  The other search you could perform is for local ride groups such as Faster Mustache (one of Atlanta’s better cycling sites).

Local Bike Shops

Local bikes shops are another place to ask and look for events and races where you could meet other riders.  They commonly have calenders of events and sometimes even a e-mail newsletter list you could subscribe to to stay up to date on events.  This includes the larger box stores such as REI.

I’m sure there’s other ways as well.  If you’ve done any of these or have your own tips to share please add them in the comments.